The last few days have been torture. I am working on chapter 10 of my novel. It’s a very emotional section and has been challenging to write for two reasons. First, the experiences and events that the main character is experiencing is similar to what I went through as a child. Writing about it is like living through it all over again. The great thing, though, is that when you write about challenging topics as a adult, you have a different, more objective perspective. Interestingly, the authentic voice and experiences of the main character refuse to be quashed or ignored. This is a good thing..
The second thing that holding me up is something that plagues writers at every stage of the writing process. I keep asking myself, what is this chapter about? I am pretty much clueless right now, which is impeding my progress. While I have a general idea of where the book is going (loosely plotted), I am writing the story as I write the story. I have been surprised on more than a few occasions on where the story goes (writing by the seat of my pants). The characters and plot are driving the story. Sometimes it seems like I'm merely a glorified typist!
Word total for the last two days: 3,145
Today’s Word:
vexation [ vek-sey-shuhn ]
1. the act of vexing.
2. the state of being vexed; irritation; annoyance: vexation at missing the bus.
3. something that vexes; a cause of annoyance; nuisance:
Rush-hour traffic is a daily vexation.
#writer, #writing #writerslife writingforchildren #plotter #pantser #middlegradenovel #middlegradewriting #vexation #kermitthefrog #glorifiedtypist #typewriter #vintagetypewriter #franmason #franmasonillustration