I’ve been thinking a lot today about word counts. Both in the sense of what was created in a day (my output) as well as using word counts to aid story pacing.
Today I wrote 1113 words. Now, were they all good words? Final words? Words that don't need to be pondered or revised? In a word, hell no! Truth is, I don’t write in finished sentences. Not yet, at least. I write, revise a little, and then leave it for awhile to simmer. "Sit and sog" is how I refer to this essential fermenting.
I found this article (below) on writer's daily word counts. It surprised the hell out of me. I thought seasoned pros were writing thousands of words each day. But, no, everyone has their own methodology. All in all, I felt better about my practice after reading this.
Word count: https://wordcounter.net/blog/2017/12/04/103207_the-daily-word-counts-of-19-famous-writers.html
Today’s Word:
expiate [ ek-spee-eyt ]
1. to atone for; make amends or reparation for